11-Feb: Achieve your goals

So how do you go about setting goals that work? With Process Goals and Outcome Goals.

Outcome Goals are where you want to be.

Process Goals are how you're going to get there.

Outcome Goals need to be motivating, but also measurable. For example learning your 2x tables, and we all know how this boosts confidence and performance in children with Mathematics.

Then set Process Goals that is a simple set of tasks that you complete each week. For example,

1. 10mins every day performing a task aligned to learning your x2 tables. Ie., studying 1x2, 2x2, 3x2, and so on throughout the week. Build up with sets of three numbers at a time

2. Introduce randomness in the questions so your child practices recalling the numbers out of sequence that really drives the learning and development.

Make sure you keep it fun. I like the laminated times tables that your child can write on with dry markers that you can wipe clean when you’ve finished. And my daughter loves using a different coloured pen for each answer. Trust me, it’s great fun.

The beauty of this process, is that once you have determined your Outcome Goal you can forget about it, and just follow the Process Goal.

Tick off your Process Goals as you go along and then review after a few weeks, and lo and behold, you may just find the Outcome Goal has been accomplished!

What then? Pick another Outcome Goal and Repeat!

Any questions please feel free to DM me.

#bitesays #havegoals #setgoals #smallgoals #youcandoit #timestables

#ultimatesuccessformula #usf #usfforkids #usfforchildren

#inspiringchildren #goodtogreat #keepmovingforward #lifeskills #lifeskillsforkids #lifeskillsforchildren

#scienceofachievement #artoffulfilment #expandtogrow #bebigger #challengeyourself


14-Feb: ❤️


10-Feb: Meet baby Bite